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Mark Coleman Portfolio

Mark of the Mind Videos
This episode explores why conversations are weird by discussing thoughts, mental filters, understanding and how there are only so many people we can connect to. In order to see outro edit please skip to 11:51
In this episode I discuss how the imagination affects writing, current settlements and abstract thoughts and character development within TV & Film. In order to see outro edit please skip to 17:00
In this video I discuss whether Free Will exists or not, human cognition and standards within society. I have automatically started the video at the end as I would like to showcase the outro more.
In this short episode I discuss social media, taboos and the creative process. Again I've linked the video to start at the end, as this is the outro I would like to use to showcase my animation skills.
John Lee and Dave May's go to buy a new TV after theirs randomly explodes.
After winning a TV raffle competition John Lee and Dave May's head to what should be a luxury campsite, only for a traumatic events from the past to strike.
Clip of my Guinea Pigs in real life. 
One of the earlier animations where Sheltie gets taken hostage by a terrorist Potato. This is the final version because I wasn't happy with the first version I made. 
Original draft version, ended up having the mouth looping on a symbol and couldn't figure out how to fix that. 
One of the longer running animations.
A redo of the Guinea Pigs sitting at the Sofa before they were about to run out to shoot the banana phone. Drawing and composition updated. 
This animation was entirely based on a meme from "A night at Roxbury" (1998). 
The meme itself.
Here is the animation sequence without the photos:
Here is the animation sequence with the photos:

Thank you for taking the time to review my work.

Contact Details: 
Phone: 07456950185
Mark Coleman Portfolio

Mark Coleman Portfolio
